Bishop Gallegos Maternity Home is supported completely by private, tax-deductible donations. You can make a single or monthly donation by mailing your check to BGMH P.O. Box 1596 Folsom, CA 95763-1596 BGMH is a non-profit 501 (c) (3) corporation, tax i.d. #68-0315971. |
It costs $697 to operate BGMH each day. If you can commit to sponsoring us for one day ($697) or one half day ($348) per year, we will designate a date of your choosing as "Your Day." Our residents will remember your special intention in their prayers on that date. You can participate by making an annual donation, or commit to monthly payments of $58 (whole day) or $29 (half day.) Just let us know what date you would like to have. As always, we so appreciate all gifts - none too LARGE or too small. We know our donors give from their hearts & souls. |